It’s a week since I’ve been on my second Camino. And tomorrow will be the day I arrived on my first. This is where I met James. I can’t call him a friend. I guess Caminomate would be an appropriate name. Or kind of soul-mate, too. Cos’ we shared the passion of traveling. It was... read more

It couldn’t have been better. No book can describe it no movie show. I haven’t been writing since entering Santiago till yesterday. So full of emotions that there was no space for words. I’m grateful for every step You made with me. Even if we met for couple of hours, we were walking together. My... read more

I always liked that song, but never could agree with it. Until now. It has been one month now since I’m been away from home and from people I love. I’ve never lived anywhere else but Latvia and it’s the longest time I have been so far away. Every time I come home, even if... read more